Saturday, January 10, 2009

Winter Flying (9th January)

Ben and I drove down through the mist from London to Hampshire. I doubted that we would be able to fly at all - the forecast had promised sun but here we were in thick mist in the car! We passed the South Downs by Butser Hill and the skies cleared in front of us... Great we thought, we may still be able to fly...

We quickly got set up in the field near Denmead. My motor started but Ben's was flat due to the cold possibly? I went up for a quick fly and then landed as it is always more fun flying together. I flicked over the propellor by hand and it sparked into life.... Yeeeehaaaaaaaaaa... We were in business and before long we were airbourne looking down on the clouds and the wintry land below us...

Monday, January 05, 2009

Happy New Year

The New Year kicked off well with high pressure drifting down from Scotland giving us a few days of cold, clear and crisp weather with some sunshine. I managed to fly on New Year's Day and on the following day at Mercury in Hampshire, as the winds were from the East. What a wonderful way to see the New Year in!

Now back at work and this morning, we woke to snow in the streets and then intermittent snow all day with more forecast this week.

Little Sebastian (our son) is one year old on Friday and he started walking just before Christmas!

Let's hope for a happy 2009 and hope you are getting out and about wherever you are...